So yeah DUDE, that's a word I picked up thanks to my wonderful friends that I talk to. Now, my daughter has been saying it, it's AWESOME lol HA yes I rub off on her, hey it's not a bad word so no one can complain. Oh yeah and K is starting to say it some too, he catches himself though lol I'm so evil. So I had to share that b/c I just find it funny and cool and just well neato lol.
So Twilight, well we went and saw it again (again for me, first for K and L) at the drive in (yes we still have them here) and I was shocked, K loved it, L loved it too but she was so tired she didn't see the ending that's ok b/c it comes out in 2 months and you better believe I will have it in my hands the day that it is released, no ifs ands or buts about it . Then I will proceed to come home and watch it with Loralei. I'm not crazy about it, but I do have to say, watching it a second time is a little bit better, kind of like rereading New Moon, except I skip half the book each time I read it (if you've read it you know why, if not READ THE WHOLE THING). Anyways so yeah he loved the movie and now wants to read the book. Some of you might be going yeah so, he wants to read a book b/c of a movie. Yeah well in the 9 years I've been with him, he has yet to read a book for pleasure, he reads, just not books. Esp not fiction books, not that he has anything against them, he just doesn't enjoy it like I do. However, he wants to read this so I'm soo stoked and can't wait.
Onto other stuff, I am now in the process of coughing my head off and attempting to lose a lung, yeah I don't think I need to lungs, people get by on one lung all the time right? So see no biggie lol. Yeah thanks to our lovely weather that wants to play havoc with my body, I am now coughing and congested in my upper chest and kind of stuffy. Thanks weather, thanks sinuses, thanks stupid body of mine. Oh well I'll live, I think. Oh and L's kind of doing better but not too much, she's still coughing like crazy oh and we should find out the results of the blood test (yeah I know I didn't blog about it, I will later lol) tomorrow.
Oh and though it's not still her birthday here in my time zone it is in hers so I have to send a shout out to my wonderful friend (probably my youngest friend lol :P) Lesslie Lamphere, love her to death, she is a great woman and mom and wife and she just adopted the cutest little puppy named Eve (pronounced Eva) and I just want to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! So if you want to say Happy Birthday even if it's belated, she's a follower of my blog, hers is Two Little Lampheres, go say hi even if you don't know her, she's soo worth it. Hope you had a great day Less!
Hmm I almost forgot one other thing. I got a new phone today YAY, an iPhone, I've wanted one for a while and hubby and I decided that we were sick of dealing with our other phones and the company we were with that we would just go ahead and get the iPhones and they are our presents to ourselves/each other for our 7th anniversary. Not bad if I do say so myself. Now I get to play with a new toy LOL I love new toys. Esp since it doesn't come with a manual, I have to figure out everything on my own. Hey it's like a mystery I have to solve, FUN! So anyways, that's it I think hmmm yeah I think so. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
5 years ago
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