I know I shouldn't be so boastful and proud but I am. For finally doing somethings I've needed to do for myself for a long time. I'm going to Drs to get myself taken care of, to see what all is really wrong with me and what's not. I have now seen a physician and had a physical, which everything is fine, the bloodwork came back good except for my thyroid which I went and gave more blood for that Friday so I should find out what's going on with that very soon, but had I not gone, I wouldn't have found out. Some of you know Loralei killed my knee a few weeks ago and it's been hurting like crazy almost everyday and some days are better than others. So I finally called and I'm going to see and ortho next week. Next on the list is the dentist (NOT looking forward to that) and my jaw and my back. So eventually I will be getting all that I need done. I have put it off long enough, but I"m proud of myself for getting it going, going to Drs and getting myself taken care of. So anyways, that's what's going on with me.
I'll update about the thyroid and my knee as I get info on each and anything else I go to the Dr about.
5 years ago